Thursday, August 31, 2006

Eastern Market SnB

There is yet another new knitting group in the D.C. Mertro area. The Eastern Market SnB now meets at Port City Java. Knitters, there is simply no longer an excuse for keeping yourself cooped up in your house knitting all alone with only the cats and the radio for company. Check for a comprehensive list of knitting groups that meet all over D.C. and the surrounding area.

Here are the group's details:
Eastern Market SnB
Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm or later
(starting 8/30/06)
Where: Port City Java 701 North Carolina Ave SE
(on the corner of North Carolina and 7 St. SE)
metro: Eastern Market

Last night I accidently attended the group's first meeting. I just happened to be hanging out at Port City Java, when a knit pal from Stitch D.C. came up and greeted me and asked if I was meeting with the group. Port City Java has been my spot to wait for my daughter to finish her Tae Kwon Do class, so it was a happy coincidence. There were about six of us there knitting and noshing. Bryna, the group's organizer was not able to make it last night, but she'd be proud that the first group meeting was a congenial, enjoyable success.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Fall Fiber Happenings in the D.C. Metro Area

No, this blog has not been abandoned. It's been a crazy busy summer.

Sunday Sept 10
Philadelphia Knit Out

Saturday Sept 16
Barracks Row Festival
Stitch DC will have knit and crochet demos. or

Sunday Sept 17
New York Knit Out
Noon to 5
Union Square Park (17th betw Broadway & Park Ave)
See website

Sept 24 possible Charity Day at Uniquities, VA

Sat Oct 21 First annual Knitting for Peace Jam at
Potter's House, DC

Nov 2-5 Stitches East (sponsored by Knitter's
magazine) Baltimore