Thursday, March 23, 2006

Knitting Group Update

Capitol Hill Needlework Group

On Sunday afternoon, the Capitol Hill Needlework Group met at Stitch D.C. and we had eight people in attendance. THere were a few shy, brand-newbie knitters that hung out in the front of the shop and got some knitting coaching from Marie, the proprietess of Stitch D.C. For those of us at the table in the back we worked on scarves and socks and an intricate cable knit sweater. Marie made the announcement that the rumors are true, and that she is indeed opening a third Stitch D.C. location at the Chevy Chase arcade.

Teaism Knit & Crochet Group

We meet at the Capitol Hill Stitch D.C. yarn shop on the third SUnday from 3-5pm.
The Teaism Knit and Crochet group meets at Teaism, Penn Quarter, and this monthe we had a small showing of just four knitters. We talked about the ebb and flow of the attendance, which varies from two or three people up to as many as ten or eleven sometimes. You just never know. We had a great time knitting and crocheting and eating. I was working on my Jaywalker socks, Clare was making adorable baby booties, one girl also was working on socks and another was crocheting a vintage blouse in black, cream and gray. Very chic.
We meet at Teaism, Penn Quarter, 3rd Monday from 6:30-8 pm.

Morgan's First Sweater

And finally, here is a piece about one man's journey to completing his first sweater.

The class is actually called, "My First Sweater",everyone gets the same pattern for knitting a size 2baby's buttoned cardigan sweater in medium worstedweight yarn. I am using nice soft lavender coloredmachine-washable Merino Superwash yarn (from MissionFalls). Sweater trimmed in garter stitch all around,stockinette stitch for the rest. Four-part class,tonight we sew the left and right fronts to the back,go on to knitting the sleeves.

Sweater is taking shape but raising concerns in mymind about how the 2 button edges seem to pull thesweater shorter than elsewhere on the fronts making mewonder do I wind up with a sweater with the bottomedges not hanging at the level all the way around.Questions about knitting errors, button holes, doesthis and that look right, bringing me to this knittingshop often, trying move the knitting project along,the knitting shop probably bracing themselves everytime I walk in.

I felt like "throwing in the towel" on this sweaterany number of times, but never gave up even thoughgetting this sweater done comsumed days out of my lifetrying to meet class deadlines for a back and leftfront and now the right front. I have never knitted agauge swatch in my life before this sweater.

So, there you go story of a struggling but persistentfirst time sweater knitter, button holes and all.

Morgan convenes the "Aspen Hill Men's Knit andCrochet Group" at:
Caribou Coffee, 13874 Georgia Avenue in the Northgate Plaza Shopping Center (on Aspen HIllRoad just off Georgia Avenue)Aspen Hill, Maryland
301-460-1123 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 7-9 pm

Contact Morgan at