Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Knit & Crochet, Annapolis Group Report

As a way of tapping into some of the fun things that are going on in our knitting and crochet groups that meet all over the D.C. Metro Area, I'll be posting short reports from the various groups. Here's the first one from the Annapolis group:

Knit & Crochet, Annapolis

Meeting Date: Second Monday, every month
Meeting Place: Borders Café, Annapolis Mall
Meeting Time: 7:00pm until closing

January 9, 2006 first meeting of the New Year. What a turn out! We had 18 people show up for showing and sharing (lots of scarves) and ripping. Much excited talk about seeing family over the Holidays and talk of projects to be made in the coming months. It was really great to see everyone, especially those who hadn’t been able to join us in a while. And a big welcome to the newcomers.

A project of interest that we discussed is the FLAK Project by Janet Szabo of Big Sky Knitting. FLAK = Follow the Leader Aran Knitalong. This is a step by step knitalong in which you are taught to knit an Aran Sweater to fit your own dimensions. It’s being designed from the top down, starting with saddle shoulders, you start off by choosing your yarn and needles and then instructed to SWATCH your patterns. This includes swatching the filler stitches and the cables you would like to adorn your sweater with. This Knitalong started January 1st but there’s still time to jump on the bandwagon. For more information go here:

This would be a fun sweater to knit with a friend or two!

There was also a bit of talk about a Knitalong within our group of doing a scarf in intarsia. More on that one at another date.

As always, it was great fun and we thank Borders for allowing us to use the Café. So until next month,

Clickin’ on the Severn

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

500 Hats Needed to warm little Afghan children's heads!

I saw this request while reading the Knitlist and thought I'd share it with the locals to help speard the word. (I've summarized to shorten the message) Afghans for Afghans is a wonderful group that does a lot of good for the people--especially the children of Afghanistan. They are also one of the Charities that we support throught the Knit Out. So, if you've got some spare wool and feel inclined to knit a hat to warm the head of child living in a very cold place, click here for more details about Afghans for Afghans and get those needles a clickin'!

** Wool Caps for Kids Needed by January 20 **

We wanted to let you know that we are in the middle of our VERY QUICK effort to send 500 *wool* caps for kids to Afghanistan via AIRPLANE transport at theend of January.

500 wool caps sent by air cargo means 500 warmer, more comfortable Afghanchildren for the remainder of the winter. Air transport means that our hats arelikely to be on the kids' heads by February. We rarely have the opportunity to send our handknit and crocheted gifts by plane (usually it is by slow boat),so this is a real treat.

Even if you only have time for making one hat this month -- that hat is a meaningful contribution. One more wool hat means you are warming one more Afghan child. This is a fairly easy way to directly and quickly impact an individual life on the other side of the world.

Feel free to forward this message to appropriate recipients.

Click here to see Guidelines and our San Francisco Mailing Address:

Monday, January 09, 2006

We Made the Post!

On Friday there was a" a >great<>story in the WashingtonPost Weekend Magazine about the local D.C. knitting scene. I was surprised to see myself on the cover, and I've gotten plenty of good-natured ribbing about this at work.