Monday, March 26, 2007

The Creative Knitting Guild in Bethesda

Susan from the Creative Knitting Guild in Bethesda, wanted me to share the link to their guild's new blog:
Please check them out. They allow visitors to their meetings.

Stitch N'Pitch Comes to D.C.!

Last season I loved to go to Nats games and knit on a pair of socks and enjoy a baseball game, but how much fun will it be to join a whole group of knitters at a game to root for the Nats and knit and generally raise a ruckus--er, I mean awareness of the craft of knitting. Anyway, here's the scoop on what you need to know if you want to Stitch N'Pitch this spring with the Nats:

(Please send me pictures that you take of yourself and your knitting while you're at the game so that I can post them here on the blog)

I just received this email from a colleague who is a member of MANRA, the The Mid-Atlantic Needlework Retailers Association, about the fact that Stitch N'Pitch is coming to Washington, D.C.!

As you may already know, Stitch N’ Pitch is cooperative effort between TNNA and Major League Baseball (MLB) to bring stitchers to baseball, and baseball to stitchers. At designated games throughout the season, a section of seats is reserved for stitchers of every type and their families, friends, and casual acquaintances.

This year 23 teams are participating, including the Nationals. Our job is to fill those seats with stitchers! Why, you may ask baseball and stitching? Why not? MLB has a chance to fill stadium seats and develop new fans, and TNNA has some mainstream exposure to show the world that stitchers come in every size, shape, color, professional background, and age range! It’s good for both organizations, and it’s fun.

It is the responsibility of the TNNA shops in the designated MLB marketing area to sell the tickets, and MANRA will co-ordinate these efforts. Last Wednesday, a small group of us met with TNNA organizers and Nationals public relations staff to map out a strategy for making this event successful. We expect to sell at least 500 tickets, and hope to sell many more than that.

Here are the details: Game Info: Monday, May 14, 2007 at 7:05 pm

Ticket price: $10.00

Tickets are available at any MANRA shop (The Mid-Atlantic Needlework Retailers Association's). Please go to to find the closest shop in your location. All tickets are in section 514. Make your check payable to MANRA. If you would like to sit as a group, please collect the checks and bring these checks in one envelope so that the shop can give you seating in the same row.

The nice surprise is that when you buy tickets from a MANRA shop you will receive a tote bag with goodies so buy those tickets early.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival Classes

Consider this just a friendly reminder from someone for whom the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival is the highlight of her spring season. If you plan to take any classes at the festival this year, it's time to head over to the web site and pick your classes. You'll need to print off a registration form and get it ready to mail in because April 2 is when class registrations open up. You could even mail your registrations now, but the ones received before April 2nd will be counted as if they arrived on that date.

I'm looking at the 'Infinitely Interesting Cables with Janet Szabo,' class. I highly recommend the, 'Drop Spindle with Sally Jenkins.' I took this class from her last summer out on a grassy lawn at an Alpaca farm and I had a great time.

So, get a move on and sign up for a class. They are also looking for volunteers to help in all areas of the festival. The entire thing is put on by volunteers, so give some thought to sharing your time to help keep this fabulous institution going.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Fiber Finds

I've added a new link to our sidebar for a web site that has information about all aspects of the fiber industry. Growers wishing to vend their fiber or craft can quickly and easily set up a store. Knitters will have a variety of unique yarns to choose from. In addition, they are working on the educational pages of the site.

Check them out at